A Quick Comparison Between Studio One and Logic Pro X - Logic pro x vs studio one 4.5 free

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Logic pro x vs studio one 4.5 free 


What DAW to choose: Studio One 4 vs Logic Pro X - . Logic pro x vs studio one 4.5 free


To really hammer the point home, Logic was able to get 13 record armed VI tracks at a buffer of This is more than double what S1 can do at a buffer of ! On the imac Pro, Logic got tracks playback, S1 was Record armed was 50 vs I can give precise results of every instrument if anyone wants it..

It's just that this post is already so long as it is, and we still have to talk about audio tracks. So, there ARE some usage scenarios for it, but not so many in every day use. That's a very high buffer to use at 44K but any lower and the results are way, way worse.

Because there is a Catalina computer in the mix, I have only been able to use plugins that work with Catalina as the projects must be compatible with all three computers, even though this particular project is only being tested on a computer with Mojave.. It just makes sense to keep the testing uniform with plugins that are Catalina compatible.

Since reverb plugins are what put the most stress on record monitoring, I will be using Liquidsonics' excellent Seventh Heaven reverb plugin for this test.

I will try two approaches.. Adding a single, default instance of the plugin on the audio track and then duplicating tracks and seeing how many we get. Logic does not allow record monitoring on multiple tracks with the same input, so for this test I moved solely to the imac pro which has 64 separate inputs via 4 apollo 8's 8 onboard inputs and 8 adat x 4 chained units.

The other way will be to record arm say 32 mono audio tracks with no effects and see how many reverb busses we can add before issues occur. In Logic, we are able to achieve 40 audio tracks each with an instance of Seventh heaven.. This is at 32 buffer size! Likewise I can do this with 40 reverb busses instead, and no reverb inserts on the audio tracks. No issues. At buffer there was plenty of headroom to spare.

I have gone so far to 64 audio tracks record armed at buffer with a reverb plugin on each track and NO pops or clicks! Wanna know how many S1 could do at a buffer of ? And that was pushing it. Ten tracks with one instance of the reverb plugin each. Similar issue removing the inserts and using busses. Let's go to 32 buffer.. It can't be my mac, cause I have tried 3 and many more in the past. It can't be my interface cause each mac has a different one, and I also tried the built in audio on each mac, which means I have effectively tried 4 interfaces.

It can't be the OS, cause each mac has a different OS again, with all past testing included, I have tried basically every iteration of OSX that S1 has been compatible with since day one.

The issue is that S1 can not deal with any type of serious load when tracks are record armed and using plugins that require a decent amount of CPU resources. Before anyone asks why don't I just use Logic.. I used it since and know it back to front. However, there is a show stopping bug that was made worse in Logic X, which Apple refuse to fix.. I have reported it 4 times a year, every year, to no avail. Basically, on audio tracks and instrument tracks in Logic, if you insert any native or dsp uad plugins with latency into a track insert on that track, ALL effects automation for that track is out of time by a random multiplier of the total track effect latency.

For example, draw some filter automation for a zero latency filter plugin on the grid, and it's bang on time. The more latent plugins you add on that track, the worse that ALL automation goes out of time.. If you are on a VI track, the automation of the Vi itself will also be out of time. It's infuriating, and means I no longer use my library of over 80 UAD plugins in Logic cause I can't draw automation on the grid and have it play back in time..

It is able to automate bang on time regardless of plugin latency. PT is the same. Bang on time. Cubase is actually variable and completely unpredictable, which is why I didn't switch to that as I very much liked it as a DAW. To those who think it's no big deal, I can guarantee you that over time you will want to throw your mac out the window.. Don't use ANY plugins with latency. No thanks. Thanks for doing this test. And I have an 8 core 3.

Hi, you are more than welcome.. Because I actually enjoy doing this, if there's any particular plugins you want to test please do let me know and I will do it, gladly. What you say is correct.. There is something wrong with the dual buffer system that doesn't seem to affect Logic Cubase also out performs studio one when using Asio Guard, but it too has it's issues.

No, that's not a POS at all.. It should be able to do what you described.. If you tried it in Logic I bet you it would do it.. I am not suggesting moving to Logic.. I myself am moving away..

Look, I'll be honest.. I'd never have tried Pro Tools.. I knew Cubase cause I had to know it for a bunch of large projects about 13 years back, so I extensively learned SX3 and currently own 9. Pro tools loses many features to other DAWs but I gave it a decent chance because the timing is very good, and I loved how it had the delay of every channel right there in the mixer. Also, the clip gain handling is unique and no other DAW I have tried can do it that way basically, no need to split clips to have individual gain handles, you just use the smart tool and highlight anywhere on a clip and drag up or down and it instantly does the volume adjustment..

Price On Request. Industries Media House. Media House. Reviews Have you used Studio One before? Deployment Web Based On Premises. Both these products offer similar features but with a different approach.

It all depends on the functionalities that you prefer. While Studio One offers add-ons along with essential features, Logic Pro X emphasizes on customization. It depends upon your business requirement. The difference lies in terms of the user interface and functionalities. It might be better to encourage enthusiasm.

Or investigate why there is enthusiasm so we can become enthusiasts, too. If there is a particular important feature you missed or is new, only then does it seem to be worth the time to relearn everything. Coming from ProTools, I can report that changing horses in mid stream can get you a bit wet.

Of course LPX was not what it is back then, and Apple literally destroyed Emagic's version of Logic when they swallowed up the company, then took a decade to make it usable again. How everything is laid out is just uncomfortable to me. I feel the same way about Cubase. I don't care that Cubase has some advanced features, I simply cannot work in that UI.

I have demoed a few DAWs but have always returned to Logic, minor flaws and all. I also don't get why everyone is crying about the plugin manager. If you've organized your plugin window, added folders and saved Favorites in addition to setting up templates so that your most used plugins are already in your Logic project I simply don't see how people are still doing searches for their plugins.

Shall we do the same here? In new feature suggestions. I know apple doesn't look here, but for fun. Maybe it helps. Steinberg social media team have been doing this recently asking for user votes on possible updates and to be honest it creates some rude responses from people, so it's not as positive as you'd hope it is.

People are very blinkered to their own requirements and unaccepting of others - even when it's a clear majority. This forum is great as it is, i'd love to see some kind of mixing challenge every months though, that'd be cool as a community to engage in. So many times i read replies from people on here and very rarely do i listen to their productions We should be here for the music really, but we just get caught up on technical aspects and don't engage with one another creatively.

Totally agree. For me it's comfort over everything else. Think about it, you're sitting there starting at this thing for hours on end.

I could learn any DAW you handed to me and get familiar with it pretty quickly but it boils down to one thing But I'm able to find workarounds and just live with it.

I would much rather use a third party app like Better Touch Tool for macros than switch over to Cubase just for this feature. Less steps to get to the finish line. The Musicloops concept in S1 is unmatched as well and super convenient for capturing ideas to use later. I still think they need to refine their UI though. Now I'm starting to use the rig again and I have to decide whether to pay the upgrade fee to Avid, or change to a different platform.

I've bought a month of ProTools I get what people say about being aligned with an analog outboard gear workflow to a degree. In some ways it's easy and slick, but some things I find odd and goofy. I just installed Studio One 4 eval last night. Just little things like sequential number naming of multiple tracks, the behavior of buttons while multiple tracks are selected, etc.

So far, I'm leaning towards Studio one 4, but I'll look into Reaper as well before the final decision is made. I could learn to live with anything, but man, things have come a long way since I was using Samplitude 16 years ago! Hip Hop Head. Do they have any noticeable differences in usability, quality, visual representation etc.?

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Logic Pro Multicore Benchmarktest! UA Apollo First Look user review cowboycoalminer.



Compare Studio One VS Logic Pro X | . Logic pro x vs studio one 4.5 free

    Nothing helps. Logic Pro gets 5x the performance when arming tracks to record, and almost double the performance for playback tracks (S1 audio. Automation wise both are pretty similar, both efficient. Logic can do most works Studio One can do, but sometimes with slightly slower workflow, for example. › versus › ~logic-pro-x_vs_studio-one. Yes Logic comes with a ton of software instruments and plugins but I would say the workflow in studio one is better than Logics. I used logic for 13 years and I. PreSonus reinvented the common digital audio workstation with Studio One, Apple Logic Pro X (for Mac). editors choice horizontal. Outstanding. ❿
